Learn how to leverage Cubyts to streamline your  sprint retrospective sessions. This article provides a checklist of key questions, practical guidance for using Cubyts, and tips for aligning your sprint planning sessions with your broader Cubyts goals.

During the sprint retrospective sessions, the Scrum team can use Cubyts in the following manner;

  • Discuss any blockers w.r.t usage of Cubyts
  • Use your observations on Cubyts during the sprint to validate the discussion in retrospect. 
  • You can document your observations by sharing or taking snapshots and saving them in your Slack channel
  • Include the breakdown of flag types as a key point to discuss (Coming soon)

Questions checklist for an effective sprint retrospective session:

The Scrum team can use these questions as a guideline to be prepared for a retrospective session. These questions can help them to focus on the concerned topics and ensure that they have an evidence-based and solution-oriented conversation.

  • Were my requirements up to the benchmarks?

  • Were the story definitions clear? Were they technically ready? 

  • Did the specifications change during the course of the sprint?

  • Were there overlapping requirements/stories we could have merged?

  • Were test cases available on time? 

  • Did an issue jump this sprint as well? What was the root cause?

  • Why are only certain developers always overloaded?

  • If a story was finished but was not released, why? What were the root causes?

  • How effective was the review process?

  • How are developers responding to the review?

  • Was there a discrepancy between the actual size of the work done and the estimations planned?

  • Who is delaying the development? - the reviewers or the developers? How can we solve this problem?

  • Did the developers progress well?

Using Cubyts to answer the questions above.

The following sources can be used on Cubyts by the Scrum Team to determine the answers to the questions asked in the section above:

  • Design handoffs below quality levels flag

  • Tasks planned not meeting benchmarks flag

  • Changing specifications flag

  • Overlapping requirements in design issues flag

  • Missing test cases flag

  • Issue extended beyond sprint

  • Planned hours exceeded flag

  • Overloaded resources flag, Team performance chart

  • PR pending release flag

  • PR code smells flag

  • PR and Code review charts

Alignment with the goals and objectives of the platform

The following questions can be specifically mapped with the Goals and objectives of using the platform and determined daily to keep a check;

Is the team planning their work well?

Issue dashboard, sprint dashboard, overlapping requirements 

Are the resources productive and well utilized?

Overloaded resources flag, team performance dashboard

How is the quality of the product (designs, requirements, code and test cases)?

Design handoff quality flag, tasks benchmark flag, missing test cases flag, PR code smells flag

Are there release risks with the product?

Changing specifications flag, missing test cases flag, PR code smells flag, code review dashboard, issue extended beyond sprint flag, planned hours exceeded flag

Have the technical debts reduced?

PR code smells flag