Learn how to leverage Cubyts for an effective stakeholder review. This article provides a checklist of key questions, practical guidance for using Cubyts, and tips for aligning your sprint planning sessions with your broader Cubyts goals.

Questions checklist for an effective stakeholder review session:

The Scrum Master/Engineering Manager can create a template based on regular meeting cadences and review Cubyts before a review session. This will ensure that the sessions are answering all the questions, highlighting anomalies and blockers in an organized format. 

Here are some of the questions that can be used;

  • Issues jumping sprints repeatedly causing delays in the feature delivery

  • Requirements that can be picked up immediately, can they be prioritized?

  • Overloaded team members, resource planning

  • Unreleased stories, need prioritization

  • Requirements quality needs to improve

  • How are resources performing?

  • How is my feature progressing?

  • Is the product quality improving?

  • Are the technical debts reducing?

Using Cubyts to answer the questions above;

The following sources can be used on Cubyts by the Team to determine the answers to the questions asked in the section above:

  • Design handoffs below quality levels flag

  • Issue extended beyond sprint

  • Overloaded resources flag, Team performance chart

  • Unreleased PR flag 

  • PR and Code review dashboards, team performance dashboard

  • Feature dashboard

  • Missing test cases flag, design quality flag, PR code smells flag, Code review dashboard

  • PR code smell flag

How does this mapped to our goals?

The following questions can be specifically mapped with the Goals and objectives of using the platform and determined daily to keep a check;

Is the team planning their work well?

Team performance dashboard, feature dashboard, Overloaded resources flag

Are the resources productive and well utilized?

PR and code review dashboards

How is the quality of the product (designs, requirements, code and test cases)?

Missing test cases, design quality flag, PR code smells flag, deployment flags

Are there release risks with the product?

PR Code smells flag, PR and code review dashboards, overloaded developers, design quality

Have the technical debts reduced?

PR code smells flag